It's been over a month since I returned from Cambridge and still I have not found time to blog an epilogue for this trip.
First, here is the material: Liskell presentation-ILC This is a screencast of my talk at the International Lisp Conference 2007; one of the two presentations I have given in Cambridge. Notice that this talk was prepared for a Lisp audience, so my job was to highlight the features of Haskell. The other talk in Cambridge was at Microsoft Research and I plan to make this talk available in a similar style (but with the objective to sell Lisp ideas to a Haskell audience).
A few remarks:
- The implementation of cond as defmacro is a pedagogical code mock-up. It operates on the wrong data structure. The Liskell paper has a correct implementation of cond as defmacro.
- There are a few errors in the codec stream for qtrle. For some reasons, my recent sync with ffmpeg subversion HEAD caused this trouble. There are only 3-4 errors, and they are usually corrected in a few seconds with the next Pframe in the stream.
- Levelator rox. I spent about 2 hours finding suitable settings for mastering my voice track in Audacity with no useful results at all. The first try with Levelator was a perfect mastering. Lovely.
- The liskell-mode you see in this video is just a tiny minor mode wrapping haskell-mode with scheme indention. A video on how to set up this development environment is also on my todo list. Grab liskell-mode.el.
And finally a few photos in my semi-private flickr stream.